How It Works

  Getting started with Converifal is straightforward and hassle-free. Here are the simple steps to setup          your Converifai account and start seeing your advertising efforts in a whole new light:


Sign Up for a
Free Converifai Account

Register for a free account on Converifai. The process is quick and easy with no strings attached.

Install Converifai
on Your Website

Next, install Converifai on your website. It’s a  simple setup solution that doesn’t require any developer expertise. You can get it up and running in no time.


Connect Converifai
to Your Ads Accounts

Link your Converifal account to your Google Ads account and your social media ad accounts. This simple step will allow you to bring all your ad data under one umbrella, streamlining your tracking process.


Link Converifai to
Your Analytics Account

Make sure to connect Converifai to your analytics account as well. This connection will enable Converifai to analyze your advertising performance in a comprehensive way, offering you valuable insights.


Connect Converifai
to Your Accounting Software

Finally, connect Converifal to your accounting      software with just a click of a button. This crucial step will enable Converifal to measure your ad spend against the lifetime value of the customers  you’re acquiring through your campaigns.


After these quick steps, all your leads will begin to populate in the Converifal platform, offering you a simple, easy-to-use interface for managing your advertising efforts. Uncover the true value of your customers, optimize your marketing strategies, and maximize your returns with Converifai.